
Ken Cooper
May 2, 2021

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Several times preachers get asked to do different different themes or different songs specific songs and things like that. That’s what I want us to do this morning is to take a few moments. I have all kinds of folders that shouldn’t have but there’s some was talking about how we should behave with our Brethren and the burdens that we should share. Those things are always a part of our worship and should be at least and then of course there’s things that we’ve talked about in Courage went from one brother to another brother in Christ and all of those are very helpful and and encouraging as they are at were intended.

Have to flip through a lot of these things to me.

You know, I will have to The Sermon … Read more

Instrumental Music in Worship

Andrew Isbell
March 21, 2021

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The sermon this morning following our all the singing that we’ve done is about singing.

All with ask a question. That made me

Think maybe it was time that we talked about this again. It’s a good subject. It’s something that comes up a lot because through our practice of old things. Sometimes we become peculiar in New Times. And so Alton Christians will get the question. Why do Christians sing without instruments in our worship? So that’s what I was going to talk about this morning.

I don’t know that in the time allotted I can really do the subject full justice. So I’ve tried to cover as much ground as I can as quickly as I can if anybody wants to discuss any of the things that I bring up in … Read more