
Loving Your Neighbor

Andy Isbell
March 22, 2020

There is a connection between the parable of the good Samaritan and the Lord’s Supper. The good Samaritan took action to overcame all obstacles and love his neighbor. The Corinthians were not loving each other. They needed to overcome their desires and let love rule their actions.

Audio: Wisdom and Nature

By Jacob Jackson
March 24, 2019

Many believe there is no room for Good in science. However, God’s word, the Bible, has a surprising amount to say about the natural world. If the Bible is accurate with respect to what it says about the natural world, then we can infer it is correct about spiritual topics. Many look for wisdom and even redemption in science and nature. Nature will never be able to fill that void, but Christ the creator can meet every need.

Audio: How Should We Live?

By Daniel Dickerson
March 24, 2019

We live in trying times of sin and fear. How should Christians live in this current world? Paul gives us advice from Ephesians chapter 5. We should live carefully and watchfully. We should make the most of the time and opportunities we have here. We should know the will of the Lord. There’s nothing special about the times we live in today. We can survive these times by applying the principles.

Audio: Why Study The Bible?

By Ken Cooper
July 8, 2018

In his last moments, David instruct Solomon to seek happiness in serving God. What about us today? What societal problems could be solved if people just read the Bible? Not having time to study is a poor excuse. We make time for many less important things. Another common excuse is that the Bible is hard to understand. Jesus taught to the common man with the expectation that He would be understood. Others claim the Bible is boring. However, the Bible is full of suspense and adventure. The real problem is that people don’t understand the need for God’s salvation. Listen to find out why we should study the Bible.

Audio: The Mind Of Christ

By Ken Cooper
July 8, 2018

The Bible instructs us to take on the mind of Christ. Christ came to earth, lived as we do, and humbled Himself. By dying for us, He demonstrated His love for us. He came to earth and was willing to suffer for others. We should be willing to follow in His example.

Audio: Does Jesus Care?

By Ken Cooper
June 24, 2018

Often we struggle with the cares of this life. Does Jesus care that we are struggling and hurting? Yes, He does care. Just like gave Peter the ability to walk on water, Jesus can give us the ability to overcome all life’s challenges.

Audio: Shrinking Back

By Ken Cooper
June 27, 2018

During our lives, our faith will be tested many times. In fact, our faith is almost always under attack by the devil. When our faith weakens we shrink back. Rather than shrinking back, we ought to charge forward. When we trust and obey God he will strengthen us. In order to know how to obey Him, we must study His word. In order to avoid false teaching, we must study His word. Bible study will give us strength and preserve our faith.

Audio: The Unchanging Gospel

By Ken Cooper
June 17, 2018

The world around us is changing. Our society is changing as well as people’s reaction to the gospel. In contrast, the gospel does not change. Because the gospel does not change, we can still convince people the same way people were convinced in the Bible.